Isadou, a holiday island located in the upper Suriname River, near Jaw-Jaw Sula. With a 3-hour bus trip
to Atjoni and a 40-minute boat ride for up to 12 people, you will find yourself in one of Suriname’s many
beautiful places. There are many things to see and do: a walk in the village; natural massage under the
waterfalls, crocodile spotting, a visit to the Ferolasi Sula with its special aquatic plants. But also the visit
to the Samaaka Marron Museum is quite an experience. The night is spent in a covered tent with kitchen
and sleeping facilities or in hammocks. For groups of 2 or more people.
(excluding 10% VAT )
Residents pay a different rate.
Isadou, a holiday island located in the upper Suriname River, near Jaw-Jaw Sula. With a 3-hour bus trip
to Atjoni and a 40-minute boat ride for up to 12 people, you will find yourself in one of Suriname’s many
beautiful places. There are many things to see and do: a walk in the village; natural massage under the
waterfalls, crocodile spotting, a visit to the Ferolasi Sula with its special aquatic plants. But also the visit
to the Samaaka Marron Museum is quite an experience. The night is spent in a covered tent with kitchen
and sleeping facilities or in hammocks. For groups of 2 or more people.
(excluding 10% VAT )
Residents pay a different rate.